The Kissing Hand Preschool and Kindergarten Activities! The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn tells the story of a young raccoon who is anxious about his first day of school until his mother tells him an empowering secret. This theme is based on the book and provides a wonderful start to a new school year as children adjust to leaving home and beginning new routines. It is recommended that parents and guardians read the book to their children prior to the start of the theme. A suggested parent letter is included.
Preschool and Kindergarten Ocean and Ocean Animals Crafts, Activities, Lessons, Games, and Printables. Oceans are very important to us. They cover about 70 percent of the Earth's surface and contain about 97 percent of the Earth's water supply. They have the tallest mountains and the deepest valleys. Oceans affect weather and temperature, provide food, and it is estimated that between 70 and 80 percent of our oxygen is produced by marine plants.
Owls, Nocturnal Animals Preschool and kindergarten, activities, lessons, crafts, games, and printables.
This theme is a hoot and a half because it?s all about owls with a few forest activities on the side! Children count owls, add up owls, learn owl facts, define nocturnal and diurnal, dissect owl pellets, sing owl songs, and so much more by participating in cross-curricular activities and games that promote literacy, reinforce math concepts, develop vocabulary, and provide hands-on science experience.
Preschool and Kindergarten Penguin Crafts, Activities, Lesson Plans, Games, and Printables. Penguins range in size from the fairy penguin which only gets about 9 inches tall to the emperor penguin which can reach heights of up to 3-4 feet. Although penguins are birds, they do not fly, at least not in the air. Penguins spend most of their time underwater looking for dinner (fish, squid, krill, and crustaceans). All penguins live below the equator, from the Galapagos Islands to Antarctica.
Rainforest Preschool and Kindergarten Activites, Games, Science, and Crafts! Take children on a walk through the wilds of a tropical rainforest, home to over half of the world's species of animals and plants. This natural world of bright colors, interesting sounds, strong smells, and tasty treats opens up all sorts of possibilities for learning.
Pets, dogs, and cats preschool activities and games. Children enjoy pets for many reasons. They like watching them, touching them, handling them, caring for them, and learning about them. Many different animals can become pets. Children will learn which animals will make good pets and that all pets need love, care, food, and shelter. Pets also introduce children to the life cycle in a relevant and meaningful way.
Squirrels, Acorns, and Fall. Discover and experience nature and squirrels in fall or autumn. Hand out a paper lunch bag for each child and take children on a walk to collect a variety of leaves, acorns, and pinecones. Talk about the color, sizes, and shapes of the collected items. Provide boxes for children to sort their treasures. Use the acorn and pinecones to play some games. Explain that squirrels are scampering to gather nuts, acorns, and pinecones to store for the winter.
Pond and Frog Crafts, Activities, Games, and Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten. A pond is a small body of still water and many animals call the pond home. Frogs, snakes, dragonflies, insects, turtles, and ducks live in and around the pond. Children will learn about the frog and its life cycle and experience the pond life with our ribbit-ing ideas. Make the pond and its habitants come to life with these age-appropriate preschool and kindergarten activities, lesson, crafts, science experiments, games, and story booklets.
Animals in Winter Preschool Activities and Winter Animals Crafts.
The Three Little Pigs Preschool and Kindergarten Activities, Crafts, Lesson, Games, and Printables
Centered around the familiarThe Three Little Pigs fairy tale, this theme will help build science, language arts, and math skills. Introduce the theme by first reading the story The Three Little Pigs to children and then following it with a series of engaging related activities, games, songs, and rhymes in which children will discover how the wind and the lungs work, learn how to draw a pig, and practice addition problems.
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