KidsSoup Resource Library
One Year Subscription (Single User / Classroom) Only $2.50 a month!
Gain unlimited access for one year to our KidsSoup Resource Library containing over 200 themes and 10,000 preschool and kindergarten resources and more than 20,000 printables. Enjoy all our easy-to-access and printable resources anytime! No need to download everything or purchase additional packages. Find age-appropriate theme-based crafts, activities, lesson plans, worksheets, emergent reader booklets, folder games, rhymes, songs, and other quality educational resources for children ages 3–7. New resources are added each month!
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We offer multi-user discounts! A 5% volume discount is applied to purchases of 5 to 9 licenses. A 10% volume pricing is applied to purchases of 10 or more licenses. Select the number of users that will be accessing the member site and the discount will be applied during your checkout.
I love your site and use many of your ideas with my preschool class. I find your site very helpful, especially because you provide me with all the necessary patterns.
thank you!
I used your great ideas and worksheets throughout the year while I was teaching pre-k
I want to thank you for this fantastic webpage. I got so many great ideas
and it has been a great help in getting great teaching materials for the different
I cannot thank you enough for making this available online! I first found KidsSoup when my son was three and we were living overseas in Latvia. Your site allowed me to put together a multi-faceted preschool program for him in a place where there were few books or educational materials in English. I used your resource suggestions to plan ahead and, when necessary, ordered a few books from Amazon.com.uk to supplement the emergent reader booklets you provided. We have loved the worksheets, the crafts, the kinesthetic movement activities, and the great theme selection. I will forever associate KidsSoup with my child's preschool education.
Kudos to whoever designed your website. It is easy to navigate and all of the thumbnail pictures help so much in quickly selecting appropriate items.
Many blessings to you!
I love your ocean unit....in fact, I love ALL your units!
Thank you! And thank you for putting all these great ideas and materials at our fingertips!
Your site is great.
I love Kidssoup and I've been very happy with my membership.
Thank you!!! It was an awesome resource when I needed ideas and materials for my younger students.
I love the site and have told others about your wonderful site.
I have enjoyed the subscription to your site. There are great ideas and activities.
I cannot remember if I signed up for auto renewal, if not I would like to renew my membership. I love your site.
I have really benefited from your site and the material available on it.
Just wanted to tell you how very much I love The KidsSoup website, I am a preschool teacher and appreciate so much all of the great teaching resources that are offered. Thanks so much!!
It has been wonderful and great pleasure using your website. My kids had a wonderful time with all the activities that you have provided.
I have enjoyed this website very much and have been able to use many of your wonderful ideas
I loved the site so much and really pushed everyone to try it out and they loved it and in one of our meetings we talked the administrator into buying a subscription for all 6 of our branches. I am so excited.
I love this website. I believe it has a lot of wonderful ideas to use in the classroom.
The site is wonderful and has been a great resource to me.
I enjoyed your crafts and very creative activities. Please keep up the good work!!!
Your site was very useful and I printed tons of things that the children enjoyed. Thank you!
I just want to say I have been too cheap to join your website in the eight years I've been doing daycare. What was I thinking! I love this site! It's so easy and has perfect projects. THANKS A MILLION!
Just had to tell you how much I love KidsSoup. It's the best money I've ever
spent for my Library Storyhour program. Fantastic ideas, great graphics, and
FUN crafts. Your site is THE BEST !
This page has a lot of good ideas I love this place
Thank you for providing such a wonderful resource for educators!
Thank you! I love using Kidssoup with my preschoolers in my home daycare! It's a great resource program!
Just wanted to say that I recently purchased a membership and I LOVE your site. It has everything - very professional and well put-together. I don't need to reinvent the wheel - my planning has been so easy!! Keep it up!!!
I highly recommend this website to both parents and early childhood teachers.
KidsSoup has been a valued resource and you are doing a great job.
Your site is awesome-thanks for all your hard work.
I have loved the site when teaching the past year and wish I would have known about it sooner. You are doing a great job and I
thank you for all of the materials that made teaching so much easier and lessons so much more meaningful.