The importance of instilling the concept of...
In Italy and many places around the world Christmas trees are decorated, but the focal point of decoration is the Nativity scene displayed on a special place. Here are some Nativity Scenes and Christmas story ideas and Christmas Story books suggestions:
Make a Nativity Scene out of a lunch bag. Visit our KidsSoup Resource Library for step-by-step instructions on how to make this cute Nativity caft.
Use our free Nativity Scene printables to create your own Nativity Scene craft or artwork:
FREE Nativity Scene color printable
FREE Nativity Scene b/w printable
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Add some craft sticks to the cut out figures and use them for the following Christmas story play:
A Christmas Story Fingerplay
Original Author Unknown
Clop, clop, clop went the donkey’s feet (Pound hands on knees)
Clop, clop, clop down the stoney street
Nod, nod, nod went Mary’s head (Nod head)
She was tired; she needed a bed (Make sleeping motion with hands on side of head)
Knock, knock, knock went Joseph at the door (Knocking motion)
Do you have room for one more? (Hold up one finger)
No, no, no the innkeeper said (Shake head no)
We don’t even have one more bed
Wait, wait, wait! the innkeeper said (Hold hand up in “waiting” motion)
You can use my stable for a bed
Shh, shh, shh, what is that I hear? (Finger to lips)
The cry of baby Jesus oh so dear (Baby rocking motion)
Born in a Stable Simple song from
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