The importance of instilling the concept of...
In the Easter Egg Farm by Mary Jane Auch, chicken farmer Mrs. Pennyworth discovers that one of her hens, Pauline, doesn’t produce eggs of the usual variety. Pauline’s eggs reflect the patterns she sees in her environment, which makes her something of an Easter Chicken. Mrs. Pennyworth nurtures Pauline’s creative egg-laying by exposing her to objects around the farm and in the farmhouse, which inspires Pauline to lay a bounty of eggs with bright, colorful designs. The book’s illustrations are drawn with bold color and children will delight in matching Pauline’s eggs to items they find in the pictures. While fitting nicely into an Easter or Egg theme, this story also provides a natural lead-in to patterning activities. Here, we provide ideas for discussion and reflection before reading, during reading, and after reading.
Book: The Easter Egg Farm
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Kindergarten Common Core Standards
Literature: Key Ideas and Details
RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text
Literature: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
RL.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding
Before Reading:
Prior to reading the book, display the cover picture. Ask:
Read the book’s title. Ask:
Explain that the book is written and illustrated by a woman named Mary Jane Auch. Ask:
During Reading:
As you read the story, stop on the pages that show each new egg laid by Pauline and encourage children to identify the pattern’s inspiration. For each egg, ask:
Continue to turn the pages asking children to match the Pauline’s eggs to the things she sees. As children identify each object Pauline copies, list the items on chart paper:
After Reading:
Let children share their favorite parts of the story and why. Ask:
Review the list of items on the chart paper and then, ask children to name items that they would show to Pauline if she were their hen. Ask:
Let children color the egg with a patterns.
Let children color Pauline with her eggs
Free Pauline with Eggs printable
Then, introduce the following movement activity to shake out sitting and listening muscles.
Gather fabric scraps with common pattern elements (see list below) and cut the scraps into squares (or print pattern printables below.) Briefly discuss the qualities of a pattern (repetition, shapes, designs, order) and identify patterns around the room and on children’s clothing. Display the fabric scraps and provide simple child-friendly definitions for each pattern:
Free Pattern Printables
Have children stand in a large circle. Explain that for each verse of the song, the children wearing the pattern called out move into the circle and act out the corresponding movement. If there are children who do not have on any of the patterns mentioned, give them one to two fabric squares to hold or attach to their sleeves.
“If You’re Wearing Stripes, Touch Your Toes”
Adapted by KidsSoup, Inc.
Recited to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It!”
If you’re wearing stripes, touch your toes,
If you’re wearing stripes, touch your toes,
If you’re wearing stripes and you know it,
Then you will surely show it,
If you’re wearing strips, touch your toes.
Repeat verse with additional patterns (polka-dots, plaid, argyle, floral etc.) and movements (nod your head, clap your hands, reach up high, etc.).
Hen and Eggs Matching Activity (Members only)
Easter Egg CVC Words Read, Make, Write Activity (Members only)
Easter Egg Words Emergent Reader Booklets (Members only)
Polka-Dots Easter Egg Artwork (Members only)
Egg Patterns Pre-Writing Skills Printables
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