Ghost Peek-a-Boo! Booklet and Preposition Activity

Halloween is an exciting time and one of the most fun holidays of the year for many children. They get to dress up in wacky costumes, and they get treats and candy to boot. As teachers, we can embrace our students' excitement by bringing it into our curriculum. The KidsSoup materials offers several ideas that will allow you to do just that. 

Ghost Peek-a-Boo! Preschool and Kindergarten Halloween Activity

To complete this activity you will need:
“Ghost Peek-a-Boo” booklet pages (KidsSoup members) for each child

Materials for coloring
Five Little Ghosts printable for each child (on cardstock or laminated for durability)
White yarn

Hand out a set of Ghost Peek-a-Boo" book pages to each child. Provide markers, crayons, or colored pencils for children to color the illustrations on each page.  

Preschool Activities: 

After the pages are colored, have children put the pages in order with the title page on top. Ask children to find the title page and point to the title on the page. Watch as they complete this step--you can gain much information about their understanding of print concepts.

Preschool Activities: 

Flip through each child's pages to make sure that they are all facing the correct way. Then staple the top and middle on the left side of the book.  

Cut a piece of yarn about six inches long and attach it to the bottom corner with a staple. Staple one of the ghosts from the “Five Little Ghosts” activity to the other end of the yarn.

Preschool Activities: 

Read through the book with children and instruct them to follow the directions on each page with their ghost as you read along.  

Preschool Activities: 

Send the booklet home with children with the following note to provide the children’s families direction as they read the book with their children.

Dear Family,
Today at school I made this book. It helps me learn prepositions. (Prepositions are words that describe position and spatial relationships.) You can help me by reading the pages with me and by helping me find the correct placement for my ghost! 

Free Ghost printables

If You're a Ghost and You Know It
(Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)

If you're a ghost and you know it, 
Just say BOO!
If you're a ghost and you know it, 
Just say BOO!
If you're a ghost and you know it and you really want to show it-- 
If you're a ghost and you know it, just say BOO!


Ghost Snack Idea

Candy Corn Parfaits with Banana Ghost from


View more preschool and kindergarten Halloween activities and crafts


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