This beautifully illustrated book follows a father and his daughter as they gather supplies and plant a window box to surprise the child’s mother...
This beautifully illustrated book follows a father and his daughter as they gather supplies and plant a window box to surprise the child’s mother...
In One Stuck Duck, a duck gets stuck in the muck and many of his animal friends come to try and help him escape the mucky mess. This...
Children will learn the parts of a flower and hone their fine motor skills while making this beautiful suncatcher craft with common flowers from...
Recalling events from a story is an important skill for children to learn. It helps them build the cognitive skills they need to sequence events...
How is mud made? What are the differences between dirt and mud? How does mud feel? These are some of the questions children answer as they explore...
One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root is a fun book to add to your duck theme lessons. It is repetitive which captures the children’s attention...