The Grouchy Ladybug Activities, Lessons, and Crafts

Preschool and kindergarten "The Grouchy Ladybug" activities, crafts, and lessons

It's never too early to support your child's social and emotional growth. The book "The Grouchy Ladybug" from Eric Carle is a great starting point to talk about bullies and feelings. The children will learn how to recognize their feelings, compare sizes, learn to tell time, learn about the ladybug's life cycle and create a ladybug life cycle book, and move and play with ladybugs. In our KidsSoup Resource Library you will find more than 50 ladybug activities, science lessons, games, and craft ideas for preschool and kindergarten.


Themes and Projects

Ladybugs Lesson Ideas


Potato Print Ladybugs
Ladybug Life Cycle Book Craft
Cute Paper Plate Ladybug

Activities and Lessons

L for Ladybug - See the Letter
Ladybugs ABC
Learning with Ladybugs


Bugs in a Jar - Preschool Lesson
Ladybug Dots - Number Sense
Grouchy Ladybug Clock

Science and Exploration

Ladybug Life Cycle Book Craft
Ladybug Life Cycle
Ladybug Life Cycle Book


_ug Word Family Folder Game


Ladybug Toss Game
Ladybug, Ladybug - Letter Identification Circle Game
The Ladybug Movement Rhyme

Booklets and Other

Ladybug Sandwich
Smug the Ladybug Story Book
Ladybug Life Cycle Book


Ladybug ABC Tracing
Ladybug Face
Letter L, Help the Ladybug


Book: The Grouchy Ladybug

Amazon Affiliate Link

Ladybugs Activities, Crafts, and Games

Ladybug, Ladybug

Ladybug, ladybug, (Move fingers.)
Let me see you crawl, (Crawl slowly on all fours.)
Hurry after those harmful bugs (Move quickly on all fours.)
But be careful, do not fall! (Fall over.)

Ladybug Egg Cup Craft

Cut apart some egg carton cups. Paint egg carton cups red and let dry. Cut a pipe cleaner into three sections and fold a piece in half to make the antennae. Glue the antennae and a black pom-pom on to the egg carton cup. 

preschool ladybug craft and activity


Ladybug Rhymes and Activities


Five Little Ladybugs (printables and more ladybugs activities available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)

Five Little Ladybugs preschool felt story and printables

Five little Ladybugs climbing up a door,
One flew a way, and then there were four.

Four little ladybugs sitting on a tree,
One flew away, and then there were three.

Three little ladybugs landed on a shoe,
One flew away, and then there were two.

Two little ladybugs looking for some fun,
One flew away, and then there was one.

One little ladybug sitting in the sun,
She flew away, and then there were none.


Ladybug or other Bugs Rocks 

What you need: 

Paint in red, black, yellow, and gray 


A collection of smooth, round rocks 

Googly eyes 



rock bugs

What you do: 

Let each child pick a rock to paint with a bug pattern. Have children paint one curved end of their rocks black to make the heads of their bugs. Then, have them paint the rest of their rocks to match a bug body pattern. Good choices are ladybugs (red with black spots), bees (black and yellow stripes), and roly-polys (segments of gray separated with black lines).

Once the paint has dried, let children glue googly eyes to the "head" parts of their rocks to finish their bugs. 




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