Construction preschool activities,crafts, and printables. Get to work building knowledge with this construction zone theme. Find songs, rhymes, literacy ideas, math activities, movement activities, recipes, and literature focusing on the workers, the machines, and the tools that build the structures we use and visit every day. Children develop vocabulary, add, subtract, sequence, read, match shapes, count, and so much more as they learn about the world of construction. So, put on a hard hat and a tool belt and put this theme to work.
Construction Zone
Turn your block area into a construction zone. Put up caution tape and signs saying construction area. Add extra blocks and construction vehicles for your children to pretend to be construction workers. Add hard hats to the area and tape pictures of construction machines on the wall as a backdrop.
Bulldozers in the Block Center
Provide children with a long wood block. Let children scatter small blocks or rocks on the floor. Encourage children to pretend to be bulldozers by getting on their knees and using their hands to push the blocks and rocks with the long piece of wood to clean the area.
Sand Table Constructions Play Zone
Add blocks, Legos, small pipes, etc., in your sand table. Let children use the materials to create different buildings.
How to Build a House (Printables and Activities available inside our KidsSoup Resource Library)
Ask children if they have ever seen a house being built. Read
Discuss the process of how a house is built and show the different pictures. Next, let children place the pictures on order.
Construction Field Trip
Visit a construction site with your children.
Dump Truck
Show children a picture of a real dump truck. Discuss how a dump truck can be used on a construction site. Ask children to think of things that can be hauled in a dump truck. As children make suggestions, write them on a sheet of paper. Point to the words as you read them back to children. Encourage children to repeat the words and to point to any letters that they recognize.
Load the Dump Truck (Shapes)
Cut out shapes in different colors and place inside a bucket. Let each child pick out a shape and name it. Place a toy dump truck in the circle. Give children directions on what to place inside the dump truck. "Place the red triangle in the dump truck." The child with the red triangle places the shape inside the dump truck.
Dump Truck Snacks
Use the toy dump truck to serve packages of snacks individually to children. Great choices would be pretzel sticks or crushed oreo cookies. After each child takes a snack off the truck, let him/her drive the truck to the next child.
Construction Vehicles Felt Story and Activities (KidsSoup Resource Library)
Construction Materials Activities
Nuts and Bolts
Fill a plastic container with nuts and bolts. Let children estimate how many nuts and how many bolts are in the container. Write the number on the board or on a piece of paper. Provide two paper plates and let children sort the materials. Then, count the nuts and write the number on an index card. Next, let them count the bolts. Are there more nuts or more bolts?
Nuts and Bolts Metal Search
Place metal nuts and bolts inside a tub and fill with sawdust or Easter grass. Provide a large magnet and let children use the magnet to find all the nuts and bolts.
Nuts and Bolts Matching (Fine Motor Skills)
Let children match the nuts to the bolts and thread the nut on the bolt.
Construction Tools Math Activity (Activity available inside the KidsSoup Resource Libary)
Construction Zone Measuring
Provide children with measuring tapes (Ikea is a great source). Let children measure different items around the room.
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Build with Popsicle Sticks
What you need:
Popsicle sticks
Small containers
Plastic trays (to protect tabletop)
Bulldozer Artwork
Place two paint blobs on a sheet of craft paper (thick finger paint works great). Encourage children to pretend to be a bulldozer by pulling and pushing the paint all over the paper.
Johnny Had One Hammer
Original Author Unknown
Sit with children in a circle. (Make up and down motion with one hand in a fist as if pounding with one hammer.)
Johnny/Jenny had one hammer,
one hammer, one hammer,
Johnny/Jenny had one hammer, then he/she had two.
(Make same motion using both fists as if pounding with two hammers.)
Johnny/Jenny had two hammers,
Two hammers, two hammers,
Johnny/Jenny had two hammers, then he/she had three.
(Make same motion using both fists and one leg.)
Johnny/Jenny had three hammers,
Three hammers, three hammers,
Johnny/Jenny had three hammers, then he/she had four.
(Make same motion using both fists and both legs.)
Johnny/Jenny had four hammers,
Four hammers, four hammers,
Johnny/Jenny had four hammers, then he/she had five.
(Make same motion using both fist, both legs, and up and down head motion.)
Johnny/Jenny had five hammers,
Five hammers, five hammers,
Johnny/Jenny had five hammers, then he/she went to sleep.
(Pretend to lay head on a pillow and go to sleep.)
Did You Ever See A Bulldozer?
(Tune: Did You Ever See a Lassie?)
Did you ever see a bulldozer,
a bulldozer, a bulldozer,
Did you ever see a bulldozer,
Go this way and that?
Go this way and that way,
Go this way and that way,
Did you ever see a bulldozer
Go this way and that?
Cranes reach up, (reach up)
Cranes reach down, (bend down)
Cranes reach out, (stretch one arm to the side)
Cranes turn around. (turn around)
Cars (The Movie) Coloring Pages
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Community Helpers Activities | The Three Little Pigs Activities | Transportation Activities |