Kids Crafts
Children of all ages--from preschool to kindergarten--will "get into the groove" as they have fun making and decorating a pair of "groovy" looking shoes which they can wear, practice lacing, and/or contribute to a class book.
Children will gain a sense of pride as they contribute handmade leaf people to make a bulletin board titled "We are falling for Kindergarten (Preschool)." Show children different leaves and discuss their shapes. Take children outside to gather some fall leaves. Encourge children to choose one large leaf to use for their leaf person craft.
The book Leaf Man is a great book to use during your fall/autum unit. First, read Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert to your preschool and kindergarten children during story time. Then, let children make their own leaf man craft puppet. Let them take the puppets outside to create their own Leaf Man story.
We love hedgehogs and we couln't resist to create a hedgehog craft with some fall leaves. Show children a picture of a hedgehog and let children describe the animal. Explaint that on the back of the hedgehog is a thick layer of spikes known as quills. Their curved claws help the hedgehogs to dig. It's long snout with a wet nose gives the hedgehog an excellent sense of smell.
Preschool children will love to turn the letter P into Pete the Cat with this easy letter P craft.
Skills: Letter P letter recognition and beginning sound
Summer is in full swing and July 4th is just around the corner! This fine motor and folding activity is the perfect craft to help decorate your classroom or your house for celebrating America.
Sample cups (the kind used for small tastes of yogurt or sides of ketchup) can be turned into the cutest penguins. You can find them in the grocery store. Once made, these penguins can be used for a variety of learning activities and pretend play areas. Here, we share a few ideas.
Sample Cup Penguins Craft
What you need:
Penguin footprint craft for preschool and kindergarten. Here's a fun way to decorate the classroom with footprints penguins!
Preschool and Kindergarten Penquin Footprint Craft
What you need:
Black paint
Yellow, blue, and white construction paper
Children make their own telescopes from paper towel rolls and clear plastic cups. Then, they use their telescopes in an outer space vocabulary review.
Here is another cute letter P penguin craft. Children make penguins from the letter P. Post them together on a bulletin board for a P is for Penguin colony.
P is for Penguin Craft
What you need:
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